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DISCOVER / Creating a Christmas Window Display

Writer: Rachael Rachael



When Rebecca from Wellington Town Council dropped around the entry form for this year’s Christmas windows I explained that we do decorate but had never entered - because we are hidden away and ‘our window is so small’

As she left having encouraged me to enter anyway, I reflected upon my words, about our shop being hidden and small and how that both those descriptions actually can instead be something to be celebrated. Many visitors have said there is so much to discover inside our very small shop, which can be true for many things. Something small by its nature encourages us to look closely and to notice.


We’ve probably all heard the saying that all good things come in small packages, or in Italian ‘in the small barrels there is the good wine’! How true this is when we look around our own small shops and businesses here in Wellington with the small chats, little details and personal touches that often become lost with the giants of online.

I thought about small acts, changes, gestures or words and their power to make a big difference to our world, communities and families.

About all the tiny works of art we can see both in nature and in everyday objects.

So our window this year is a celebration of the beauty and power of small things, a reminder for us to notice them and a hope for you to find small joys wherever you can.



The inspiration came from a Christmas memory of being annually gifted a new tree decoration created from an egg shell, of which the inside was filled with glittering, exquisite miniature worlds from ballerinas, to Father Christmas to Nativity scenes. I would be enchanted by them every year, filled with wonder about what magic she had managed to squeeze inside!

Our son and I had a truly joyful time creating these miniature worlds. We have used a mixture of ingredients to create our window – special objects we had at home, repurposed items found in our local charity shops or natural surroundings and some beautiful Italian papers printed traditionally by Tassotti in Stefano’s home town of Bassano Del Grappa.


Our shop is hidden and still a little mysterious to many, due to its set back location, being off the High Street and those small windows! So this is an invitation to track us down and come up close, a permission to peep in through those windows!

We hope you enjoy looking closely, and thank you for taking the time to seek us out.



Our miniature worlds will be fully illuminated approximately between 4pm and 6pm each evening.

After we had finished we discovered Holly Tucker's shop small campaign for this year also matched well with our theme, so we added a mini version of this poster designed by Rebecca Strickson, we couldn't have planned it better!

With love from us all for a joyful Christmas.


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